There are many different types of insurance coverage, and a single insurance policy often has several types of coverage in it. One of these types is liability coverage. When you have a home insurance policy and an auto insurance policy, each of these has a set amount of liability coverage. This protects you in case of accidents that you’re liable for. You need plenty of this coverage to protect yourself against lawsuits and huge medical bills.
Getting umbrella insurance is a great way to add more liability onto your home policy as well as your auto policy. To get your policy, call us at Sump Insurance in Clarinda, IA.
More Liability Coverage
When you have an umbrella policy, it supplements the amount of liability insurance that you already have. If you were to add more of this coverage to your auto and home policies, it could cost you a lot. Many people would be unable to afford to add a lot more liability coverage to both of these policies. However, getting an umbrella policy does this and comes with a small price tag. It gives you an enormous amount of liability coverage for both of your other policies. It’s a great way to be much better protected in case of accidents.
High Maximum
Without an umbrella policy, you may have to face overages once your home or auto policy has maxed out. When you have an umbrella insurance policy, it pays these overages. The home or auto policy pays out first, and then the umbrella policy comes in to pay anything that’s left over. This can save you many thousands of dollars in overages.
Get an Umbrella Policy
If you want more liability protection, consider getting an umbrella policy. To get started, call us at Sump Insurance in Clarinda, IA.